Group workshops are offered as 2-3 hour sessions or a full day and are tailored to your group’s requirements. (Similar principles are employed in individual / one-to-one sessions).
Sessions are held in-person at your venue, or at The Albany Centre, St Albans. Zoom sessions are also possible.
Vocal Impact
Along with your appearance, it is your voice that makes the first impression when you meet someone. Understanding how your voice works and gaining greater knowledge of how to control it can be a huge step in your confidence and personal development. Learn how to:
- breathe more efficiently
- release tension in the tongue, throat and voicebox
- slow down and add interest and emphasis (and therefore clarity) to what you say
- put yourself forward and manage nerves or stage fright especially when talking to an audience
- conquer specific situations e.g. speaking at an interview, teaching, giving a wedding speech or a presentation at work in these days of conference calls and remote working.
This course provides a vocal ‘MOT’ – a toolkit of warm-up exercises – and helps you find your authentic voice.
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Presenting Online
Are you coming across online as you want to? This course provides:
- advice on neck and body posture to improve the sound of your voice when working frequently at a desk and/or in front of a screen
- a short vocal warm up for clearer speech and a memorable impact
- a run down of microphone use
- a video checklist to help you set up effectively, feel grounded and look professional
This course is relevant for teachers, actors, broadcasters and anyone new to remote/online working.
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Speech and Sounds Gym
How can you sound accurate, precise and yet natural? This course works through the basics of voice and clear communication with particular emphasis on:
- articulation warm-ups
- vocabulary use
- word stress
- vocal variety
This course will improve your clarity for online working, and can be particularly targeted to actors and voiceover artists.
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Vocal Wellbeing for Teachers
The way a teacher speaks greatly affects pupil listening, learning and behaviour. There is still minimal vocal input in either undergraduate or postgraduate teacher training and yet voice is the tool of a teacher’s trade. Learn:
- to produce the voice you need – breath, resonance, articulation
- warm-ups and relaxation exercises for your voice
- vocal care and preservation – habits, irritants and environmental factors
- a voice toolkit for the classroom – varying your voice for different situations
- other communication strategies for the classroom
Voice and Emotion Awareness
The course looks at how emotions physically affect our voice, breathing and speech. You will learn:
- how blocks occur in posture, speaking and the flow of breath because of feelings
- how these tensions arising in the throat and along the vocal tract manifest themselves and how they can be worked through.
This course can be particularly targeted towards those in the caring professions, and those in acting and voiceover.
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Voice Work for Actors
For character voices and broadening your understanding of your own voice or simply an MOT to keep your voice healthy, I can offer individual or group work. See further workshops in performing voice.
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Voice Use for Yoga Teachers
Yoga teachers and trainee teachers have a good awareness of their own bodies and can get into breath work very easily. This course involves:
- understanding how voice and speech are produced
- learning a thorough warm-up
- each student identifying the are they wish to work on (clarity, breath, projection, addressing an audience)
- individual time for each student to ‘perform’ one asana in front of their fellow trainees and practise their flow of explanations necessary to relax yogis in a yoga session.
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