Who is the course designed for?
This post-qualifying supervision training for counsellors is designed for experienced counsellors and psychotherapists from a variety of theoretical backgrounds and specialisms who would like to develop the skills and knowledge to become competent clinical supervisors.
What are the entry requirements?
Applicants should be qualified to level 4 or 5 Diploma level in counselling or psychotherapy, and have at least 2 years post qualifying experience as a practising counsellor/psychotherapist consisting of at least 450 hours (including placement hours whilst a student) in supervised practice. They should also be able to provide a reference from their current supervisor stating that they are ready to start supervising other practitioners.
What are the course requirements?
Course participants will need to be currently in practice as counsellors/psychotherapists; supervising other practitioners by the end of the course; receiving supervision for their supervision work from a suitably qualified and experienced supervisor.
How long is the course?
Five months (one weekend per month) (9:30am – 4:30pm each day).
What subjects are covered in the course?
The tasks, functions, responsibilities and accountabilities of the supervisor, supervisee and also of the context in which the supervision takes place (such as the organisation and professional bodies that could be overseeing the work).
Key theories of supervision i.e. Hawkins and Shohet, Brigid Proctor, Francesca Inskipp, Page & Wosket etc.
Group supervision versus one to one supervision
Managing ethical dilemmas and professional complaints as well as understanding and working within the professional and ethical requirements appropriate to the students’ professional body and the organisations within which they may be working.
How much time outside of the course will I need to dedicate to study?
You will be required to complete and submitted a 1,000-word reflective journal each month as well as there will be some recommended reading. In addition, you will be taking on at least one supervisee by the middle of the course.
How is the course assessed?
There will be assignments set between each weekend (mainly practical in nature) culminating in a recorded session and at the end of the course a case study (4,000 words +/-10%) is submitted. All the work will be assessed and marked; the qualification is awarded on attainment of a pass mark.
How much does the course cost?
Can I pay in instalments?
Yes, you can pay in instalments. Please see main page for current fees.
Is it possible to catch up if I am not able to attend some of the classes?
Due to the importance of in-class experiential learning and the development of professional supervision practice, stress is placed on time boundaries, punctuality and full attendance of sessions. As the course is so heavily based on experiential activities students cannot ‘just catch-up’ with learning once the experience has been missed. Absence or lateness also affects the learning of others.
Attendance is an assessment component therefore to successfully complete the
course students must need to have a minimum of 80% attendance. Failure to meet the attendance requirements will result in a fail. If less than 20% of classroom time is missed unavoidably it is possible to be provided with course materials that at least cover the information giving part of the course.
Is the course accredited by the BACP?
There is at present no accreditation scheme for supervision courses however the BACP does have some recommendations for how a clinical supervision course should be delivered and what such courses should cover and the course at The Albany Centre has been designed to exceed those requirements.